Getting Started

Create virtualenv

virtualenv ~/seedbox/

Start virtualenv

cd ~/seedbox
source bin/activate

Install SeedboxManager in the virtualenv:

mkdir etc
pip install SeedboxManager

Running SeedboxManager:


Running SeedboxManager from crontab:

crontab -e
@hourly /home/USER/seedbox/bin/seedmgr >> /home/USER/seedbox/etc/seedbox/cron-sync.log 2>&1


As part of installing in virtualenv the sample configuration files will be installed into the ~/seedbox/etc/seedbox folder.

Starting Admin UI and REST API:

dbadmin passwd --password <your_password>
dbadmin run sqlite:////home/USER/.seedbox/torrent.db >> /home/USER/seedbox/etc/seedbox/admin.log 2>&1

Available Tasks by Phase

Phases and Built-in Tasks

Phase Task Description
prepare filecopy copy supported media files related to torrents from download directory to sync directory
  fileunrar decompress rar media files related to torrents from download directory to sync directory
activate filesync rsync files in sync directory to remote server location
complete filedelete delete media files from sync directory after successful sync to remote server location


Possible configuration file locations (General to specific):

# if virtualenv used
<current working directory>


configuration filename: seedbox.conf

virtualenv approach is the recommended approach. Multiple configuration files are supported such that each supported folder is checked for a configuration file and loaded from most general to more specific. Each successive file will override values from the previous.

The folder of the most specific configuration file found will be considered the resource folder where all log files are stored by default.

Command line interface:

usage: seedmgr [-h] [--config-dir DIR] [--config-file PATH] [--cron]
               [--logconfig LOG_CONFIG] [--logfile LOG_FILE]
               [--loglevel LOG_LEVEL] [--version] [--nocron]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config-dir DIR      Path to a config directory to pull *.conf files from.
                        This file set is sorted, so as to provide a
                        predictable parse order if individual options are
                        over-ridden. The set is parsed after the file(s)
                        specified via previous --config-file, arguments hence
                        over-ridden options in the directory take precedence.
  --config-file PATH    Path to a config file to use. Multiple config files
                        can be specified, with values in later files taking
                        precedence. The default files used are: None.
  --cron                Disable console output when running via cron
  --logconfig LOG_CONFIG
                        specific path and filename of logging configuration
                        (override defaults)
  --logfile LOG_FILE    specify name of log file default: None
  --loglevel LOG_LEVEL  specify logging level to log messages: None
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --nocron              The inverse of --cron
Sample Configuration
A generated configuration file that contains each option a designation for required, a help message, default value, and associated type.